Friday, September 10, 2010

Dog Asthma

Asthma is a type of disease that can affect humans and also any kind of animal. This is a type of disease that stops the airways when the bronchi accumulate mucous and then result to spasms. It is also said that this type of disease is common to cats.

The initial symptom of Dog Asthma is coughing. It is also often followed by wheezing. There are also other cases where the pet looks tired all the time and seem to be getting very lazy or more likely to be lethargic.  In some rare cases, the dog will also likely to have a respiratory distress symptom. If you see your dog breathing while its mouth is open, that is the result of respiratory distress. Other result of this symptom is having a purple gum and tongue. An advice from a veterinarian is needed to learn how to control these situations. Due to these symptoms, pets will also likely to lose its appetite and stop eating right, and thus results to weight loss. Second hand smoke, air pollution and certain fragrances can cause this type of disease to occur. Asthma on dogs commonly takes place in pets that are young and middle aged.